Kindergarten is a full day  program from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Children have a morning break, a recess period, and then lunch followed by a second recess period.

The kindergarten program recognizes that children will soon be entering schools that have a range of expectations for a child’s social and academic performance. The school uses both the Montessori teaching system and other teaching systems to teach your child. That means your child will benefit from specialized advanced Montessori teaching equipment plus take advantage of the latest computer technology that can teach your children to read, solve problems etc.

The academic program followed at the school consists of the study of Language Arts, Math, Science, History and Social Studies, Spanish, Art, Music, and Physical Education. Our comprehensive curriculum places a clear emphasis on continuing development of strong language, reading and writing abilities, and math skills essential for ongoing success in school and life. Our kindergarten curriculum extends the planned child-choice, student-centered learning environment and incorporates the academic expectations of local and state curriculum standards so children make a successful and seamless transition to school.

Kindergarten work

  • Age 5 - 6 years mixed aged class
  • Full day Academic Program 9:00am – 3:00pm
  • Montessori curriculum including sensorial, math, language arts, geography and science
  • Strong reading, writing & Math Skills
  • Individualized teaching
  • Spanish, Music & Art
  • Science experiments